Album: Quantum Whispers
Das Album: Quantum Whispers
(Album auf SoundCloud) wurde am 15.12.2024 von © Kurt Michael Treichl „KMT KI Media“ mit der künstlichen Intelligenz „Suno“
produziert. Darauf befinden sich 30 Tracks aus den Musik-Genres: Pop, Electronic, Ambient.
Musikalbum Quantum Whispers von KMT KI Media (Musik in Serie)
Die Playliste meines Albums auf SoundCloud (Einzelanwahl möglich)
CD 7: Album 'Quantum Whispers' (Pop, Electronic, Ambient) von © Kurt Michael Treichl
Weitere Details zu den generierten Musiktiteln dieses Albums von © Kurt Michael Treichl (anzeigen | verbergen)
CD 07 - Quantum Whispers von KMT (Details)
# | Titel | V | Ins | Vok | MP3 (KB) | Länge | Album | Name | Genres | Produziert | Tags |
01 | Terra Incognita | 1.0 | Vokal | 5.592 | 03:30 | CD 07 | Quantum Whispers | Pop, Electronic, Ambient | 15.12.2024 | ethereal, ambient |
02 | Terra Incognita | 2.0 | Vokal | 6.118 | 03:53 | CD 07 | Quantum Whispers | Pop, Electronic, Ambient | 15.12.2024 | ethereal, ambient |
03 | Neon Skies | 1.0 | Vokal | 5.375 | 03:21 | CD 07 | Quantum Whispers | Pop, Electronic, Ambient | 15.12.2024 | electronic, ambient, synthwave |
04 | Neon Skies | 2.0 | Vokal | 5.997 | 03:48 | CD 07 | Quantum Whispers | Pop, Electronic, Ambient | 15.12.2024 | electronic, ambient, synthwave |
05 | Neon Highways | 1.0 | Vokal | 5.863 | 03:42 | CD 07 | Quantum Whispers | Pop, Electronic, Ambient | 15.12.2024 | electronic, futuristic, synth-heavy |
06 | Neon Highways | 2.0 | Vokal | 5.983 | 03:47 | CD 07 | Quantum Whispers | Pop, Electronic, Ambient | 15.12.2024 | electronic, futuristic, synth-heavy |
07 | Neon Dreams | 1.0 | Vokal | 5.779 | 03:38 | CD 07 | Quantum Whispers | Pop, Electronic, Ambient | 15.12.2024 | futuristic, electronic, synth-wave inspired, complex |
08 | Neon Dreams | 2.0 | Vokal | 6.198 | 03:56 | CD 07 | Quantum Whispers | Pop, Electronic, Ambient | 15.12.2024 | futuristic, electronic, synth-wave inspired, complex |
09 | Rise of the Digital Dawn | 1.0 | Vokal | 5.544 | 03:28 | CD 07 | Quantum Whispers | Pop, Electronic, Ambient | 15.12.2024 | atmospheric, synth-driven, electronic |
10 | Rise of the Digital Dawn | 2.0 | Vokal | 5.536 | 03:28 | CD 07 | Quantum Whispers | Pop, Electronic, Ambient | 15.12.2024 | atmospheric, synth-driven, electronic |
11 | Glitch in the Matrix | 1.0 | Vokal | 4.865 | 02:59 | CD 07 | Quantum Whispers | Pop, Electronic, Ambient | 15.12.2024 | futuristic, experimental, electronic |
12 | Glitch in the Matrix | 2.0 | Vokal | 5.752 | 03:37 | CD 07 | Quantum Whispers | Pop, Electronic, Ambient | 15.12.2024 | futuristic, experimental, electronic |
13 | Neon Nights | 1.0 | Vokal | 5.684 | 03:34 | CD 07 | Quantum Whispers | Pop, Electronic, Ambient | 15.12.2024 | heavy bass, cyberpunk, dark, distorted synths |
14 | Neon Nights | 2.0 | Vokal | 5.191 | 03:13 | CD 07 | Quantum Whispers | Pop, Electronic, Ambient | 15.12.2024 | heavy bass, cyberpunk, dark, distorted synths |
15 | Bright Horizons | 1.0 | Vokal | 4.746 | 02:54 | CD 07 | Quantum Whispers | Pop, Electronic, Ambient | 15.12.2024 | anthemic, pop, uplifting |
16 | Bright Horizons | 2.0 | Vokal | 5.781 | 03:38 | CD 07 | Quantum Whispers | Pop, Electronic, Ambient | 15.12.2024 | anthemic, pop, uplifting |
17 | Alien Echoes | 1.0 | Vokal | 5.308 | 03:18 | CD 07 | Quantum Whispers | Pop, Electronic, Ambient | 15.12.2024 | ambient, sci-fi, electronic |
18 | Alien Echoes | 2.0 | Vokal | 5.423 | 03:23 | CD 07 | Quantum Whispers | Pop, Electronic, Ambient | 15.12.2024 | ambient, sci-fi, electronic |
19 | Quantum Love | 1.0 | Vokal | 4.865 | 02:59 | CD 07 | Quantum Whispers | Pop, Electronic, Ambient | 15.12.2024 | electronic, synthesized, ethereal |
20 | Quantum Love | 2.0 | Vokal | 5.966 | 03:46 | CD 07 | Quantum Whispers | Pop, Electronic, Ambient | 15.12.2024 | electronic, synthesized, ethereal |
21 | Echoes Through Time | 1.0 | Vokal | 5.181 | 03:13 | CD 07 | Quantum Whispers | Pop, Electronic, Ambient | 15.12.2024 | emotional, ethereal, electronic, pop |
22 | Echoes Through Time | 2.0 | Vokal | 5.423 | 03:23 | CD 07 | Quantum Whispers | Pop, Electronic, Ambient | 15.12.2024 | emotional, ethereal, electronic, pop |
23 | Ethereal Glows | 1.0 | Vokal | 6.236 | 04:00 | CD 07 | Quantum Whispers | Pop, Electronic, Ambient | 15.12.2024 | techno, envolving, ambient, intricate, ambient techno |
24 | Ethereal Glows | 2.0 | Vokal | 6.438 | 04:00 | CD 07 | Quantum Whispers | Pop, Electronic, Ambient | 15.12.2024 | techno, envolving, ambient, intricate, ambient techno |
25 | Digital Roots | 1.0 | Vokal | 4.985 | 03:04 | CD 07 | Quantum Whispers | Pop, Electronic, Ambient | 15.12.2024 | harmonious, electronic, alternative, acoustic, synthetic |
26 | Digital Roots | 2.0 | Vokal | 4.744 | 02:54 | CD 07 | Quantum Whispers | Pop, Electronic, Ambient | 15.12.2024 | harmonious, electronic, alternative, acoustic, synthetic |
27 | Galactic Whispers | 1.0 | Vokal | 6.046 | 03:56 | CD 07 | Quantum Whispers | Pop, Electronic, Ambient | 15.12.2024 | ambient, synthwave, ethereal |
28 | Galactic Whispers | 2.0 | Vokal | 6.258 | 04:00 | CD 07 | Quantum Whispers | Pop, Electronic, Ambient | 15.12.2024 | ambient, synthwave, ethereal |
29 | Galactic Whispers X | 1.0 | Vokal | 5.863 | 03:42 | CD 07 | Quantum Whispers | Pop, Electronic, Ambient | 15.12.2024 | ambient, ethereal, experimental |
30 | Galactic Whispers X | 2.0 | Vokal | 5.367 | 03:21 | CD 07 | Quantum Whispers | Pop, Electronic, Ambient | 15.12.2024 | ambient, ethereal, experimental |
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© Kurt Michael Treichl (AI Music Austria)
Titelbild: KI-Illustration von Kurt Michael Treichl
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