Album: A Symphony of Sadness
Album: A Symphony of Sadness

Album: A Symphony of Sadness

Album: A Symphony of Sadness

Das Album: A Symphony of Sadness Im neuen Tab öffnen (Album auf SoundCloud) wurde am 21.12.2024 von © Kurt Michael Treichl „KMT KI Media“ mit der künstlichen Intelligenz „SunoIm neuen Tab öffnen produziert. Darauf befinden sich 30 Tracks aus den Musik-Genres: Pop, Trance, Techno, Cross-Genre.

Musikalbum A Symphony of Sadness von KMT KI Media (Musik in Serie)

Die Playliste meines Albums auf SoundCloud (Einzelanwahl möglich)

CD 12: Album 'A Symphony of Sadness' (Pop, Trance, Techno, Cross-Genre) von © Kurt Michael Treichl
Weitere Details zu den generierten Musiktiteln dieses Albums von © Kurt Michael Treichl (anzeigen | verbergen)

CD 12 - A Symphony of Sadness von KMT (Details)

#TitelVIns | VokMP3 (KB)LängeAlbumNameGenresProduziertTags
01Lost Yesterday1.0Vokal5.49403:23CD 12A Symphony of SadnessPop, Trance, Techno, Cross-Genre21.12.2024emotional, heartbroken ballad, pop, sad, soaring vocals, melancholic piano chords, ballad, soaring, emotional climax
02Lost Yesterday2.0Vokal5.15803:09CD 12A Symphony of SadnessPop, Trance, Techno, Cross-Genre21.12.2024emotional, heartbroken ballad, pop, sad, soaring vocals, melancholic piano chords, ballad, soaring, emotional climax
03Echoes of Yesterday1.0Vokal5.93403:42CD 12A Symphony of SadnessPop, Trance, Techno, Cross-Genre21.12.2024pop, accoustic guitar intro, bittersweet chorus, sad, layered synths, accoustic, wistful
04Echoes of Yesterday2.0Vokal6.16903:52CD 12A Symphony of SadnessPop, Trance, Techno, Cross-Genre21.12.2024pop, accoustic guitar intro, bittersweet chorus, sad, layered synths, accoustic, wistful
05Bittersweet Goodbye1.0Vokal5.00103:02CD 12A Symphony of SadnessPop, Trance, Techno, Cross-Genre21.12.2024sad, nostalgic, pop, upbeat tempo
06Bittersweet Goodbye2.0Vokal5.45603:22CD 12A Symphony of SadnessPop, Trance, Techno, Cross-Genre21.12.2024sad, nostalgic, pop, upbeat tempo
07Whispers in the Abyss1.0Vokal5.84403:38CD 12A Symphony of SadnessPop, Trance, Techno, Cross-Genre21.12.2024driving beat, trance, building synth pads, ethereal vocals, melodic trance, sad
08Whispers in the Abyss2.0Vokal4.98903:02CD 12A Symphony of SadnessPop, Trance, Techno, Cross-Genre21.12.2024driving beat, trance, building synth pads, ethereal vocals, melodic trance, sad
09Echoes in the Abyss1.0Vokal5.02303:03CD 12A Symphony of SadnessPop, Trance, Techno, Cross-Genre21.12.2024melancholic arpeggios, trance, haunting melody, slow, sad, dark trance, slow tempo
10Echoes in the Abyss2.0Vokal4.90602:58CD 12A Symphony of SadnessPop, Trance, Techno, Cross-Genre21.12.2024melancholic arpeggios, trance, haunting melody, slow, sad, dark trance, slow tempo
11Eternal Echoes1.0Vokal5.68403:31CD 12A Symphony of SadnessPop, Trance, Techno, Cross-Genre21.12.2024bassline, sad undertpnes, sad, melancholic, uplifting, progressive trance, uplifting melody
12Eternal Echoes2.0Vokal5.71503:33CD 12A Symphony of SadnessPop, Trance, Techno, Cross-Genre21.12.2024bassline, sad undertpnes, sad, melancholic, uplifting, progressive trance, uplifting melody
13Waves on Asphalt1.0Vokal4.91302:58CD 12A Symphony of SadnessPop, Trance, Techno, Cross-Genre21.12.2024repetitive, melancholic, minimalist techno, techno, sad, hypnotic, emotional
14Waves on Asphalt2.0Vokal6.26603:56CD 12A Symphony of SadnessPop, Trance, Techno, Cross-Genre21.12.2024repetitive, melancholic, minimalist techno, techno, sad, hypnotic, emotional
15Sombra de la Noche1.0Vokal4.86302:56CD 12A Symphony of SadnessPop, Trance, Techno, Cross-Genre21.12.2024emotional, slow, deep techno, brooding, techno, dark, deep, sad
16Sombra de la Noche2.0Vokal5.70303:32CD 12A Symphony of SadnessPop, Trance, Techno, Cross-Genre21.12.2024emotional, slow, deep techno, brooding, techno, dark, deep, sad
17Nube en el Silencio1.0Vokal5.83303:38CD 12A Symphony of SadnessPop, Trance, Techno, Cross-Genre21.12.2024sad, emotional, ambient techno, slow, introspective, techno, melancholic pads, emotional vulnerability, atmospheric textures
18Nube en el Silencio2.0Vokal5.61903:29CD 12A Symphony of SadnessPop, Trance, Techno, Cross-Genre21.12.2024sad, emotional, ambient techno, slow, introspective, techno, melancholic pads, emotional vulnerability, atmospheric textures
19Echoes in the Night1.0Vokal4.93302:59CD 12A Symphony of SadnessPop, Trance, Techno, Cross-Genre21.12.2024electronic, sad, trance, beats, soaring, nostalgic, pop
20Echoes in the Night2.0Vokal4.92002:59CD 12A Symphony of SadnessPop, Trance, Techno, Cross-Genre21.12.2024electronic, sad, trance, beats, soaring, nostalgic, pop
21Echoes in the Night3.0Vokal4.40302:37CD 12A Symphony of SadnessPop, Trance, Techno, Cross-Genre21.12.2024sad, techno, malancholic, pop
22Echoes in the Night4.0Vokal6.35604:00CD 12A Symphony of SadnessPop, Trance, Techno, Cross-Genre21.12.2024sad, techno, malancholic, pop
23Haunting Shadows1.0Vokal5.11403:07CD 12A Symphony of SadnessPop, Trance, Techno, Cross-Genre21.12.2024trance, bassline, hypnotic, techno, sad, intense
24Haunting Shadows2.0Vokal7.78604:00CD 12A Symphony of SadnessPop, Trance, Techno, Cross-Genre21.12.2024trance, bassline, hypnotic, techno, sad, intense
25Gone but not forgotten1.0Vokal5.33903:17CD 12A Symphony of SadnessPop, Trance, Techno, Cross-Genre21.12.2024major key melody, sad, pop/trance fusion, trance, bittersweet, pop
26Gone but not forgotten2.0Vokal5.01903:03CD 12A Symphony of SadnessPop, Trance, Techno, Cross-Genre21.12.2024major key melody, sad, pop/trance fusion, trance, bittersweet, pop
27Lost Whispers1.0Vokal5.00403:02CD 12A Symphony of SadnessPop, Trance, Techno, Cross-Genre21.12.2024pop, techno, slow tempo, minor key, pop fusion, sad, slow
28Lost Whispers2.0Vokal5.25503:13CD 12A Symphony of SadnessPop, Trance, Techno, Cross-Genre21.12.2024pop, techno, slow tempo, minor key, pop fusion, sad, slow
29Alone in the Echo1.0Vokal5.14103:08CD 12A Symphony of SadnessPop, Trance, Techno, Cross-Genre21.12.2024trance, sad, trance/ambient fusion, ambient fusion, isolated
30Alone in the Echo2.0Vokal5.59303:27CD 12A Symphony of SadnessPop, Trance, Techno, Cross-Genre21.12.2024trance, sad, trance/ambient fusion, ambient fusion, isolated

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© Kurt Michael Treichl (AI Music Austria)

Titelbild: KI-Illustration von Kurt Michael Treichl

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